Corrosion Services

Balhaf’s Corrosion Integrity Managed Services (CIMS) can save your company substantial maintenance and service costs from year to year. End to End solution: Consultation, Test, Design, Procure, and install Technical specialists with a wealth of experience. Our staff is locally based and this enables us to provide high-quality services that are prompt and cost-efficient. We pass on these benefits to our clients.

Impressed Current System

  • Wellhead surface piping CP insulation kit
  • Cathodic Protection Design and Specifications
  • Pre-Construction Survey Analysis
  • Field Testing
  • Underground piping
  • Main pipe line
  • Utility water / fire water / potable water tanks
  • External bottom floor utility water / fire water / potable water tanks
  • Instant off CP potential survey
  • CP impressed current system
  • CP rectifiers
  • Gathering system
  • Main pipe line
  • Well head surface piping

Sacrifcial Galvanic Anodes

Internal crude oil tanks

Internal produced water tank

Other tanks

Field road crossings

Road crossing installation QC procedure


Rectifiers / Junction Boxes

Anodes / Reference Electrodes

Coke Breeze


Dielectric Fittings

Ultrasonic inspection services

Location selection in the field

Auto-CAD mapping of the field

Failure Analysis and Material Selection

Coating Specifications

CIMS – Corrosion Inregrity Managed

Balhaf’s Corrosion Integrity Managed Services (CIMS) can save your company substantial maintenance and service costs from year to year. Balhaf Services has extensive experience and expertise with respect to providing integrity services. This experience includes real or near real-time monitoring to provide an early indication of corrosion. Balhaf Services view Corrosion Management as an integral part of any asset operational integrity assurance program. It is fundamental to maintaining “the Health, Safety and E n v i r o n m e n t a l standards and sustained business performance for an asset. This document describes how an asset fulfills the requirements of a corrosion control system and hence meets the expectations of the integrity management assurance system; it identifies the processes and organizational interfaces required to achieve effective asset integrity management.

The responsibility for integrity management lies with the company’s asset management, which must implement the integrity management strategy and progressively update it to take account of changes in operating conditions, plant modifications, and the results of ongoing monitoring and inspection activities. The successful implementation of the integrity management strategy depends on the commitment and involvement of everyone in the asset. Effective pro-active corrosion management relies heavily on the successful implementation of production chemicals management strategy. There are strong links between the two strategies with joint ownership of the chemical and corrosion control matrices